The last century warming and cooling was done by two naval wars.

Post: April 01, 2021

“What Does 2000 Years of Temperature Data Tell Us?”, is a good question in a recent essay by  Willis Eschenbach  at WUWT just one week ago.

The discussion can be separated in two parts: A) the time before the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA) about 1850, and B) From the LIA until today. The conclusion by Willis Eschenbach is simple and clear:


That is a fair assessment for the two millenniums

Is the North Atlantic understood?

Post: March 04, 2021

Has the North Atlantic become the newest playground for climate science? Support has now come from the New York Times, (March 03, 2021), citing some scholars fear that “The warming atmosphere is causing an arm of the powerful Gulf Stream to weaken”. The title of the article written by Moises Velasquez-Manoff and Jeremy White is: “In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers”. It immediately met with great approval from the readers:  Fantastic article! Fantastic visualization! Amazing graphics!

It is undoubtedly of high journalistic quality. Pretty

Activities at sea contribute to warming.
The Baltic Sea shows how it’s done.

Posted: December 17th, 2020; NEW: “The Art of Pediction” 02/20/21 (at text end)

       The oceans are still the greatest unknown in the climate change scenario. Oceans cover 71% of Earth and they contain 99.93% of the thermal energy (“heat”) on the surface. Is it a too big issue for increasing understanding the matter? Certainly if you lump everything together! Progress requires selection! Focus on smaller regions, distinction between the seasons and on observations where people are particularly active. Then you would quickly look at the

The word “Climate” stirs emotion, and if used by science
simulates knowledge.

 Posted 06 July 2020,
partly revised reprint from HERE
In the way science has been using the word climate over many deOceans Make Climatecades, the general public and politics is grossly misguided since long. The reason is that science has been incapable to demonstrate that they are able to define the terms they work with. Actually they use a layman term, broadly understood as average weather since time immemorial. While this has been never defined within the laymen sphere, meteorology said it can be explained as “statistical

Can Greta Thunberg and pupils
explain to
politics what
science itself cannot define?

Posted March 08, 2020 – Images: October 2019, London-Trafalgar Square

The fact is certain. Global temperatures have increased in the past 150 years. There is no need for science to determine this. ATrafalgar Square - London few dozen thermometers read daily and recorded statistically would prove it.
Now several 10,000 scientists are active, at the cost of several billion, tirelessly claiming that the warming is mainly related to the higher, man-made, CO2 (carbon dioxide). This is possible to a percentage, but it can also be seriously wrong. More than an

The interior of the oceans leave no room to apply simple physics

Posted: 19th December 2019

The previous post was well received: A lot has been wrong with the handling of historical temperature data. But climate scienceBlue Ocean does not care. In the field of a fair and transparent language the situation is much clumsier.

Many of the used terms in climatology are extremely superficial, if not meaningless, which is a major reason for the hysteria in the current climate change debate. And science is using them recklessly. The result is obvious, when the claim is made: The world may

A lot has been wrong with the handling of historical temperature data

Posted: 27 July 2019

For a long time, a lot has been wrong with the handling of historical temperature data available for the last 150 years or so. They are misrepresented, interpreted or simply Line Chart Statisticsfalsified. It is not only frustrating, but also dangerous for a sensible climate debate and what real dangers humanity may face in the future.

Now Kenneth Richard, 25th July 2019, has taken on, at NOTRICKZONE, to clarify a few facts. The whole title is: “1970s: Earth Warmed 0.6°C From 1880-1940 And Cooled

Shortly after D-Day the heaviest storm lashed through the English Channel, on 19 June 1944, which meteorology did not expected, reckons, or is able to explain until now!

Posted: July 03, 2019
Add 1 – Extract: Ch. C. Bates about D-Day and “the Big Storm, 19-22 June 1944”

Only 13 days after landing troops on the shores in Normandy on 06 June 1944, an unexpected storm lashed across the English

Channel on 19 June 1944 lasting three days. From Britain to France the operation and supply area for the invasion was severely affected. 800 ships and floating units were

Admirals’ should have expected that fighting at sea
change the weather conditions.

Posted: May 22. 2019
First published May 12th, 2017, HERE: with few amendments


THE NEW YORK TIME started reporting about the Battle of Jutland on 03 June 1919. The weather conditions before, during Great Naval Battleand after the sea battles were rarely mentioned and never analyzed. Only at the end of a report on 06 June 2016, the one sentence appeared: “The hazy weather was Germany’s friend, as it necessitated action at closer range”, (see the entire report HERE: 28_Haze Germ friend_June06 ) The issue is much more

What contributed naval warfare to remarkable winter
and the Arctic sea ice in summer 1917?

Posted 31st March 2019

Sea Icea March 1917 - end of month-Do more than 5000 submerged merchant ships, two extremely winters, and Sea Ice June 1917the largest sea ice extent in the North Atlantic (NA) during the entire last Century, in summer 1917, fit together? Yes, at least it is the only convincing explanation for the three extraordinary events. The link is the naval war during the First World War (WWI), causing the extreme cold winter in Western Europe 1916/17, the NA sea-ice in summer 1917, and the record cold winter  1917/18 in North