In an interesting weblog dialog recently, Professor Hendrik Tennekes, a retired Director of Research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, suggested that:“ The mesh size in the ocean model then has to be less than a few tens of kilometres if a better than extremely crude representation of the oceanic fluxes of heat and momentum is desired.” (FN). Hopefully that would be enough when taking into consideration that a three metres thick seawater layer has more heat capacity than the 10’000 metres air above the sea..
Prof. Tennekes’ statement implies: Dimension Matters. This means in the first place understanding the oceans and it’s short and long term impact on climate. But while ocean-dimension-affairs are too little understood one has hardly a chance to get the message convened to those thinking that CO2 is causing the current warming trend.
What must be done to get them, e.g. IPCC, to acknowledge the fact? They must be forced to prove their ‘climatic understanding’ on recent climatic events. The here presented naval war thesis is one of the most promising one. It is easy to give a powerful demonstration what naval war could do to the Netherlands in February 1940, by only few extracts form the New York Times, February 14th, 1940:
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Feb.13 (UP) – Europe suffered tonight in the paralysing grip of the bitterest cold in more than 100 years. Hundreds of persons abandoned their homes in the face of crushing ice packs boiling up from ice-locked canals, rivers and seas.
At least two ships were crushed in ice packs in the Rhine and Ijsselmeer River, and thirty others were damaged severely. The Netherland Government contemplated dropping bombs from airplanes in the vicinity of Tiel in an effort to breack up a dangerous ice congestion in the Waal River. Residents along the Rhine, Ijsselmeer, Waal and Dannube Rivers evacuated their homes as the rivers rumbled with ice. ..
Islands along the coast of the Netherlands and in the Baltic were isolated. All days they sent out SOS calls for coal and foodstuffs. Temperatures dropped to sub-zero records. The Weather Bureau here recorded the lowest temperature ever recorded in this country, 11,2 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. To the Netherlands, which has a rather mild climate, this is more severe than the lowest temperatures recorded in Minnesota. The average for the whole country was 1,4 degrees below zero….
Thirty-seven deaths in the Netherlands were attributed to the cold wave.
“Record Cold Grips European Nations” was the article titled by the NYT, as all of Central, East, and Northern Europe was in a record cold grip.. The arctic wave was caused be naval war swirling about the summer-warm water of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. If IPCC wants to explain and proof the sudden switch from warmest winters in Europe at the end of the 1930th decade for several hundred years to arctic cold by the impact of CO2 and greenhouse gases, that should be highly appreciated. But saying nothing to such event or the global cooling for four decades which had started together with sending many thousand naval vessels out at sea for combat missions, shows that IPCC has still a long way to go to understand that: ocean dimension matters! More details is available at this website and indicated links.
(FN) , subject: #35