The newest NOAA: ”Arctic Report Card: Update for 2010” mention a phenomenal wind change that happened previously only three times before in the last 160 years, without mentioning the years. One winter was definitely the 1st war winter in WWII, 1939/40. There was for example a wind shift in Great Britain (see Fig. right). The temperature maps, than and now, prove a high similarity.
R. Scherhag explained the sudden change 1939/40 a few years later in this way:
“The temperature anomalies which were observed in the northern hemisphere in January 1940 can easily be explained by the occurrence of the pressure deviations.” (Richard Scherhag, 1951, “Die große Zirkulationsstörung im Jahr 1940”; Annalen der Meteorologie, Vol. 7-9, pp. 327-328).In the same way he tried to explain the Arctic warming (1919 to 1939) in the 1930s.
C.E.P. Brooks (1938) required to name the reason: “Attributing the recent period of warm winters to an increase in the strength of the atmospheric circulation only pushes the problem one stage further back, for we should still have to account for the change of circulation.” (in: “The Warming Arctic”, The Meteorological Magazine, 1938, p.29-32.). The next answer was not far: It’s the ocean that matter.
And here we are, 70 years later. Who is not able to explain the early Arctic warming since 1919, and the onset of the global cooling since winter 1939/40, is unlikely to explain convincingly the mechanisms that drives the conditions in the polar region today.
Postzed: 28 Oct.2010; Further Reading (see also the Post 08.Oct.2010 – Archive) Отрывок из книги иУнивepc – Excerpt from iUniverse book: __Реакция Северного и Балтийского Морея At: __The reaction of the North and Baltic Seas