Tallinn is situated at the at the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. Off it´s shore a naval war took place between Russia and Germany in WWII. It started in June 1941. Anthropogenic stress on the marine environment in the Baltic proper was extreme high. The air temperature during the following winter 1941/42 broke down. Is that a proof that man can change climate?
Just ten year ago S. Jevrejeva1 discussed the air temperature condition from November-April along the Estonian coast the period 1900-1990. The record she uses (Fig. 2)shows extraordinary deviation for the years 1939/40, 1940/41, and 1941/42. Not one word about that, instead it is merely mentioned (excerpt):
• The results of analysis of mean air temperatures for November-April indicate during the winter seasons almost all parts of Estonia experienced an overall warming of 0.5-1.0 °C for the period 1900-1990, however the increase is statistically significant only for station Sõrve, for the rest time series the increase is significant on the less than 95% level.
• The early decades of the 20th century were cooler than the period from 1920 to 1936.
It seems that nobody asked for an explanation, or did pick up the issue, which is difficulty to accept. In order to form your own judgment, the data record from Tallinn is presented according three periods, annual, half-year, and for the three winter months (DFJ). Viewing the images, below, the relevance is easy to grasp. If such material is published in internationally available journals and there is no reaction, it is inconceivable, to say the least. What is needed to become a case for climatic research? Should it not have been investigated a long time ago?
More about the subject: See the Booklet (above)
Or at: http://www.2030climate.com/
Page : 173 Naval activities in Baltic Sea 1941 (3_21)
Page: 181 Winter weather – Cold axis 1941/42 (3_22)
Page: 193 Stockholm’s arctic winter of 1942 (3_23)
Posted 31 March 2011